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Do You Tip for Furniture Delivery?

Do You Tip for Furniture Delivery?

Furniture delivery is an exciting moment for anyone who has been eagerly waiting for their new purchase. However, a common question that often comes up is whether or not to tip the delivery people.

It’s a decision that can impact the overall cost of your delivery and the quality of service you receive. In this blog post, we’ll explore the etiquette of tipping for furniture delivery, factors to consider when deciding how much to tip, and alternatives to tipping.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clearer understanding of whether or not you should tip for furniture delivery and how to handle the situation. So, let’s jump in!

Do You Tip for Furniture Delivery?

Tipping for furniture delivery is a common practice. It’s a way to show appreciation for the delivery person’s hard work and good service. As a general rule of thumb, you should tip $5 to $10 per person for a standard delivery, or $20 per person based on the level of service provided and your budget.

There are several factors to consider when deciding how much to tip.

Level of Service Provided

Did the delivery person go above and beyond to ensure that your furniture was delivered safely and on time? Did they handle the furniture with care and set it up in the desired location? If so, you may want to consider tipping more than the standard amount to show your appreciation for their exceptional service.

A few years ago, I purchased a large sectional couch from a furniture store. The delivery person not only brought the couch up to my third-floor apartment but also helped me move my old couch down to the dumpster. I was so impressed with his hard work and willingness to go above and beyond that I tipped him $20 per person. I also wrote a positive review of the delivery service and recommended the company to friends.

Difficulty of the Job

If the delivery involves navigating stairs, tight spaces, or other obstacles, it may be appropriate to tip more to compensate for the added difficulty. The delivery person may have had to use extra care and caution to ensure that your furniture was delivered without damage, and this can be a time-consuming and physically demanding process.

Distance Traveled

If you live in a remote location or far from the furniture store, then the delivery person may have had to travel a long distance to deliver your furniture. In this case, it may be appropriate to tip more than the standard amount to show your appreciation for their time and effort.


Ultimately, the amount you should tip depends on your budget. While it’s important to show appreciation for good service, you should never feel obligated to tip more than you can afford. If you’re on a tight budget, you can still show your appreciation by providing a kind word or a thank-you note to the delivery person. Remember, even a small gesture can go a long way in showing your gratitude.

Alternatives to Tipping for Furniture Delivery

While tipping for furniture delivery is a common practice, it’s not the only way to show appreciation for good service. Here are some alternatives to consider:

Providing Refreshments

If you want to show your appreciation but don’t have the budget for a tip, you can offer the delivery person some refreshments. This can be a bottle of water, a cold drink, or a snack. This small gesture can go a long way in showing your gratitude and making the delivery person’s day a little bit brighter.

Provide a Good Working Environment

Make sure the delivery person has a clear path to your home and a safe and comfortable working environment. This can include things like clearing snow from the driveway or providing a parking spot for their truck.

Thank You Note or Small Gift

Consider leaving a thank-you note or small gift, like a gift card or box of chocolates, to show your appreciation for the delivery person’s hard work.

Writing a Positive Review

Another way to show your appreciation is by writing a positive review of the delivery service. You can do this on the company’s website or on a review site like Yelp or Google. By sharing your positive experience, you can help other customers make an informed decision and also help the delivery person get recognized for their hard work.

Referring Friends and Family

If you were impressed with the delivery service, you can refer friends and family to the company. This can help the company grow and also help the delivery person get more work. You can also mention the delivery person’s name in your referral to give them a personal shout-out.

By considering these alternatives, you can show your appreciation in ways other than just tipping.


In conclusion, tipping for furniture delivery is a common practice that can show your appreciation for good service. By considering the factors discussed and exploring alternative ways to show your appreciation, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to tip for furniture delivery. Remember, ultimately, it is up to you to decide how much to tip based on your budget and the level of service received.