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T-Post vs U-Post

T-Posts versus U-Posts

When we purchased our first home in more than a decade, we hoped to get something with space to grow. Our goal was to have some land, at least 2,000 square feet, and not many improvements to make. We got lucky in the BC (before COV**) world. A home went […]

Why 1 lone tree in the field?

Why 1 Lone Tree in the Field?

Have you ever been driving along out in rural areas and seen just one lone tree in a field? If so, you’ve likely wondered why it was there at all. Why leave one lone tree in the field, surrounded by crops? This tree is likely something that has been around […]

How Do You Pound Your T-Posts Straight?

How Do You Pound Your T-Posts Straight?

When you want to support wire fencing to protect your livestock or mark property boundaries, a T-post installation is a cheap, easy, and straightforward option. You’ll need wooden fence posts for the corners with bracing to ensure that you have a solid line installed. That means you’ll need to set […]

I Sprayed My Lawn With Roundup Now What?

I Sprayed My Lawn With Roundup – Now What?

Roundup is the brand name of an herbicide that is non-selective. Essentially, this means that any plant can die when it comes into contact with it. Grass is a plant, so that means grass will die too when it comes into contact with Roundup. The active ingredient, glyphosate, halts plant […]